The Tamil Nadu government has inked a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Google to establish the ‘Tamil Nadu AI Labs’ in Chennai. Announced by Industries Minister TRB Rajaa on X, the initiative aims to advance AI skills among 2 million youths through the Naan Mudhalvan programme and support startups, MSMEs, and the rural economy.
This MoU follows Chief Minister M K Stalin’s recent visit to the US. Alongside the Google partnership, Tamil Nadu secured INR 900 crore in investments and over 4,000 new jobs through six additional MoUs. These include Nokia’s R&D centre in Siruseri, PayPal’s AI-ML development centre in Chennai, and semiconductor projects in Coimbatore, among others.
Rajaa highlighted the collaboration’s role in propelling Tamil Nadu into a new era of technology and innovation. The move reflects a broader trend of increased tech investment in India, driven by post-pandemic digitisation. Google has also commenced manufacturing its Pixel 8 smartphone in India and is exploring the development of a major data centre in Navi Mumbai.